lesson 38: Think BIG!!

lesson 37: Your success & status symbol
March 7, 2011
lesson 39: the gift of time or money
April 14, 2011

It’s a quickie this week as I try to get 2 websites with resources up for you. Thinking about the BIG picture (ie the planet, climate change, third world countries and mother nature’s wrath) will help you save money. How so? Well, do you really need that new item of clothing? When your mind is concentrating on making the world a better place you actually forget to waste money. Watch my video about Thinking BIG & please share it so we can have more love and less debt in the world. My YouTube channel is YOur MOney Mistress if you’d like to watch more. xx



  1. shayne hare says:

    you are one amazing girl larissa, so intellegent, sexy, confident and the list goes on, i cant wait to sit down and have a real chat with you! xx

  2. Why thank you Shayne. We will have to catch up. You know my number 😉 xx

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