
November 28, 2016

Play Point 80: 10 years on, did the campaign help you?

In 2006 the Australian Federal Government ran the Understanding Money campaign and issued booklets for individuals and organisations (ISBN 0 642 74389 4 for the Organisation booklet). […]
March 30, 2017

Play point 81: How easy is it to be happy?

With all that is going on in the world today sometimes it’s hard to be completely overflowing with joy. I know that sometimes I feel quite […]
September 14, 2017

Play point 82: Why is rehab like money management?

From the age of 14 I had problems with my ankles. Netball and other sprains to the point when, after years in the Army, I’d roll […]
February 16, 2019

Play point 84: 6 weeks into the New Year. How’s your Financial Fitness? Is it supporting the New You?