Recently I went to my 1st Toastmasters meeting for the year and our warm up, introduction exercise was to stand up and say what our New Year resolutions were. I wasn’t the only one who said I don’t make New Year resolutions. Rather I like to live every day as if it’s an exciting adventure, with healthy habits that I improve upon. Of course the New Year as with Birthdays, sees many of us reflecting on what we can do better.
If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter at (the more conservative approach to Your Money Mistress) then you didn’t see how I wrote my “Being” poem. Instead of saying what you want this year, write down who / what you want to be (eg I am non judgemental, I am a considerate lover or I communicate freely with my partner about money).
Who you are will determine what you achieve and thus, receive. Here’s to a year full of all the S&M (sex & money) you desire (and that means what works for you, be it once a year or every day)! xx