Big deal. 2 weeks into the new Financial Year. There’s heaps of time before Christmas to make changes. Well, let me ask you what changes you’ve made in the last 6 months since last Christmas? It’s amazing how quickly time flies – just look at how fast children grow up or your 10 and 20 year school reunions come round! So don’t delay – do it today! Just spend 5 minutes putting pen to paper, working out your assets and liabilities.
One man I recently saw thought it was good that he had a nett worth of $20,000 equity when, before doing the numbers, he’d thought he’d be worse off. I didn’t mean to burst his bubble when I pointed out he’d been working for 20 years so really that’s a saving of less than $20 / week and a far cry from where he wants to go in the next 20 years. So how do your numbers stack up?