Okay, as the newsletter’s a lengthy one this will be short. For 2014 just spend 2 minutes thinking about how 2013 went. Then do less of what didn’t serve you or your higher purpose and do more of that which did – simple! I’m letting go of worrying and doing more of being present and trusting that all will be ok (plus a few more) 😉
Now, if you never consider something seriously it will continue to be a joke in your life (perhaps like money in 2013). So....if you came up with a million dollar idea and found funding to develop it, what would you do if you received the following profits:
a. $10,000
b. $100,000
c. $500,000
d. $1,000,000
e. $5,000,000
It will be interesting to see how you and significant others would spend or distribute the profits and of course the first step to creating your reality is thinking about it. Would love to hear what you’d do with the money so please comment or send me a private email. Here’s to a magical 2014!! xx
PS If you haven’t signed up to the National Financial Fitness newsletter you can do so here.