Hi guys, you know it’s the new Financial year so I’m not going to harp on about adopting new habits 😉 If you need ideas just read back through the last 4 years of blog posts xx I would however like to hear from you if you’d like to come along to a reunion (even if it’s your first time to a Financial Fitness gathering). Come along and lose your Financial Fitness virginity with Your Money Mistress in Canberra ACT on the 29th August or Campbelltown NSW on the 5th Sep. Just let me know for catering purposes here, via email or the websites (www.yourmoneymistress.com or www.financialfitness.com.au).
Also, having just had a neighbour drop by to ask for another copy, you can buy my book at a discounted rate til the end of July. All orders made by 31 July will receive a $10 cash back (that’s a 50% discount)! Just go to https://yourmoneymistress.com/products-and-services.html Happy New Year!
And lastly, what are your dreams? Do you keep them up on your wall? I do and one dream is to make a difference for masses of people as opposed to a few. So on the 25th July I’ll be speaking at a Canberra event that will be broadcast to Sydney and online. Check it out here and then make sure you have a picture of your dream(s) up on a wall somewhere at home so it sinks into your subconscious. That’s it for now – love you heaps!!