As Your Money Mistress flies into Canberra to teach on 19th November for a private company she is staying for a couple of days to catch up with anyone who would like to. If you’d like to catch up or have an appointment (individually or for group training), she will be available on Tuesday and Wednesday the 20th / 21st November. YMM will then be back sometime around 12 months from now
More details can be found here and remember that National Financial Fitness (NFF) and Your Money Mistress (YMM) consults are tax deductible due to the general investment information that we cover. An appointment is 2 hours and you need to book before 16th November so she can bring your Financial Fitness pack, as well as send you the Pre-Appointment Questionnaire.
If you’d like to call her direct on 0412 1800 01 to answer questions you’re most welcome, otherwise you can complete the Booking form here (individuals place NA where appropriate). Please note you need to confirm the Entered details and Security check for the form to be submitted.