Fancy an informal evening of learning a couple of tricks to help you with your cash flow and credit rating? Think of it as a new Financial Year get together! We’ll provide the hot cuppa and snacks, some humour and a lucky door prize. After a short presentation, the floor will be open for questions and then we’ll mingle in case you want to meet quietly in the corner 🙂 Come along to hear Rachael Hunter from Argentium Finances talk about
Larissa (Zed) Zimmerman, Your Money Mistress from National Financial Fitness will talk about:
Bookings for this event are required.
Please note: Due to website processes, sessions may fill prior to showing a ‘booked out’ or ‘wait list’ status online.
Library | Date | Time |
Unit 9, 1-3 Altree Crt, Phillip (Canberra) | 20th June | 6:15 pm for a 630 presentation |
You can RSVP by sending an email to by 18th Jun and then please turn up ? for catering purposes