In the National Financial Fitness (NFF) newsletter, I mentioned how travelling overseas made me realise that Australia is indeed a wonderful country. Nothing new there, right?
What I want to do though is offer some tips for travellers, points I’d forgotten since my last overseas jaunt.
- Check your credit card and travel club benefits for concierge services. I didn’t realise I had two free personal assistants to help with researching and booking my travel plans. This gave me another source and bargaining tool with the travel agent.
- Your mobile (cell) phone service provider can provide a travel pack for as little as $10 for just one day while you’re away if you really need to use your own Sim card. A better way is to get an in country Sim with data and then ringing your home country service provider’s international number for your voicemail.
- Speak to the locals and ask for their opinions and suggestions.
- Wait until towards the end of your trip to shop and the Direct Factory Outlets aren’t always the best place to shop. Go to the malls where the locals go.
- Upon return some currency exchange places offer a guarantee that they’ll beat any competitors rates without commission.
Lastly, sit back and relax. While some holidays can be filled with adventure you don’t want to be stressed if things don’t go according to plan. And it’s the same with Christmas and other areas of our lives. Always look to the positive and you’ll always win! Xx