Men and their money. Partners welcome and preferred.
2018 Dates TBA
This 3 hour interactive session is specifically designed for men and women who are not easily offended. Ideally, partners also attend as any plan is best achieved when Team members know their own strengths and weaknesses, and how they can work together.
It covers tips for communicating about cash flow, as well as general differences between men and women. By adjusting our perspectives and seeing our differences as complimentary we can achieve great things. Guaranteed to be fun, eye opening and improve performance, both at work and at home.
Participants receive a Take home Play Pack including a copy of The Bedside Guide to S&M: How to have Sizzling sex and More money in your relationship.

Canberra visits via Sydney
Twice a year (normally in April and October), YMM does her “out of the woodwork” southern road trip. If you would like a personal consultation or for her to present to a group just Request this well in advance.
Previous regional locations include Goulburn, Grafton, Mittagong and Port Macquarie.