
August 16, 2011

lesson 45: don’t spend your health trying to build wealth

A recent hospitalisation had me questioning the power of the mind. Why couldn’t I recreate the healing I’d read about in books, instead of having to […]
July 14, 2011

lesson 44: Listen to your radio tonight ;-)

It’s easy to get caught up thinking either 1. you’re the only one with a money situation (or other personal problem) as bad as yours, OR 2. everyone’s […]
June 27, 2011

lesson 43: What are your new Financial Year focii?

Every 6 months I do strategic visioning, looking at what has happened in the last 6 months and where I’d like to be in 6 months, […]
June 10, 2011

lesson 42: New financial year means new habits

Short and sweet. Here’s a clip of me giving a couple of financial fitness tips to